Descendants of John Jackson (Jack) Canada

First Marriage:

Hannah Minerva (Dawson) Canada


Roseanna Elizabeth (Canada) Rucker

William Andrew Canada

John Rosecrans Canada

Julia A. Canada

Eliza Cordelia (Canada) Tucker

James (Jim) R. Canada (photo)

Second Marriage:

Mary Jane (Shields) Canada


Helen Canada

Third Marriage:

Delilah (Hunt) Canada


Albert G. Canada

Nelson Peter Canada

Sidney (Sid) T. Canada (photo)

Benjamin Harrison (Harry) Canada (photo)

Emma Stella Canada (photo)

Frederick (Fred) P. Canada (photo)

Jackson (Jack) I. Canada (photo)


John was born in Tennessee in 1831. The earliest I have found him is in 1850 in Jersey County, Illinois. He and his brothers Washington and Hugh are living with him in the Anderson Ivey household. Two farms down is his brother William.

In 1860, John is living in Elsah Twp., Jersey Landing Precenct, Jersey County, Illinois. He is living in the John D, Waginer home. There is a James P. Canada also living there, but no connection has been made. Almost next door is his soon to be wife Hannah Dawson.

In 1861, John is enumerated on the Militia Roll of Jersey County, Illinois.

In 1865, John is married to Hannah and has one child, Roseanna. He is living with his brother Henry in Jersey Landing Precinct, Jersey County, Illinois. His wife Hannah is a neice to his brother Henry's wife Lucinda.

In 1870, John and Hannah are living in Hazzlewood Twp., Webster County, Missouri. He has children Rosanna, William A., John R., and Julia A. His brother William is six farms away.

In 1880, John has a new wife Delilah and living in High Prairie Twp., Webster County, Missouri. He has children Rosanna, William A., John R., and Julia A., Eliza C., James R., and Albert G.

In 1900, John and Delilah are living in Clinton Twp., Texas County, Missouri. They have children Nelson P., Sidney T., Benjamin H., Emma S., Freddie P., and Jackson I.

In 1910, Jack and Delilah are living in Clinton Twp., Texas County, Missouri. They have children Sidney T., Benjamin H., Emma S., Freddie P., and Jackson I., married daughter Emma Johnson and grandson Decator living with them.

In 1920, Jackson and Delilah are still living in Clinton Twp., Texas County, Missouri. They have child Fredrick P., living with them.


John Canada, or "Uncle Jack" as he was familiarly called, was born October 9, 1831, in Nashville, Tenn., and died September 18, 1927. With his passing another pioneer has gone. He moved to a farm forty-six years ago last December. That was before the railroad went through Mountain Grove. His age was 95 years, 11 months and 20 days.

He was married three times; his first two wives having died. His first marriage was to Hannah Dawson. Six children were born to this union John and Julia of Mountain Grove, Delia of Jasper, James of Kansas City. Andrew and Rosanna preceded him in death.

He was married the second time to Mary Shields. One child, Helen, was born to this union, who died in infancy.

His third marriage almost fifty years ago was to Delila Hunt. To this union seven children were born: Albert of Oklahoma, Nelson, Emma, Fred, and Jack of Mountain Grove; Harry of Buhl, Idaho, and Sidney, who died about a year ago.

There are left to mourn his departure a loving and devoted wife, ten children, who were all present except three, fifty-seven grandchildren, forty-eight great-grandchildren, and five great-great-grandchildren.

In his younger days he joined the Christian church. Two years ago he rededicated his life to Christ and was again baptized and joined the Free Will Baptist church, and during the four months he has been confined to his bed, he endured his suffering with, patience and lived a devoted Christian until death.

Funeral services were conducted Monday morning at 10:30 at the Canada home, and he was laid to rest in the family burying ground by the side of other members of his family.

Source: Mountain Grove Journal, Thursday, September 22, 1927, Mtn. Grove, Wright County, Missouri.

Uncle Jack Canada had four brothers who lived in the Mt. Grove area. John H. Canada owned a picture gallery. His ad appeared in the Mt. Grove Prospect Jan. 19, 1883, stating he would accept produce in exchange for pictures. Another brother, C.B. Canada, according to the Prospect April 8, 1883, purchased a lot in Mt. Grove as did his brother J.H. Frank Canada lived west of Mt. Grove. According to the Prospect, Upper Canada, age 61, died Oct. 25, 1882 of the fever.

John Canada's first marriage was to Hannah Dawson. Six children were born: John, Julia, Delia, James, Andrew and Roseanna. After her death, he married Delilah Hunt. They had seven children: Albert. Nelson Peter, Fred, Jack, Harry, Sidney and Emma. One of their sons, Nelson Peter (Sept. 30, 1880) married Della Mae Salsman on Oct. 24, 1901. To this union ten children were born six sons, Emeral Grant, Marshall Edgar, Fred D. Warren, Paul Eugene, Joseph Dean, Nelson Duane and four daughters, Blanche Mae, Dollie, Fern Evelyn and Frances Imogene. Nelson Peter, the father died Oct. 15, 1929, as the result of a construction accident. He is buried in Hillcrest Cemetery in Mt. Grove. Delia Mae died April 19, 1968 and is buried beside her husband.

Frances Imogene graduated from Mt. Grove High School, then married Joe Eugene Finley of near Mt. Grove on June 14, 1941. Their children are Barbara Jo Glor McCaslin and Jerry L. Finley. Barbara Jo married Jerry L. Glor, of Dallas County in 1963. Their two sons are Michael Shane and Shannon Heath, Jerry L. Finley married Jeannie Ruth Fowler of St. Louis. Their family consists of a daughter Cynthia Lynn, and a son Douglas Arthur. Cynthia married Charles Preece in 1987, and their son is Sean Alexander, (April 1, 1989). After retirement in 1985, Frances Finley returned to Mt. Grove to make her home. Submitted by Frances Canada Finley.

Source: History of Wright or Texas County, Missouri page 226.


Continuing Research:

 I know that Uncle Jack communicated with his siblings because his brother Hugh's son John (Jack) Henry was living next door to John R. Uncle Jack had also sent or gave a photograph to Herman Canida, his brother Henry's boy. I also suspect that Henry's boy Henry Jr., was visiting Uncle Jack because he married a girl from the Mountain Grove area.

Descendants of Uncle Jack have been very informative and provided a lot of information on his family. We are still trying to locate and document further information on the leads left by his family.

Uncle Jack had fish ponds and raised and delivered fish by wagon over a large area. He was well known for his business.



Researchers and Contributors, listed by relationship to Jack's children:

Roseanna Elizabeth (Canada) Rucker

William Andrew Canada

John Rosecrans Canada

Bonnie Meyer

Julia A. Canada

Eliza Cordelia (Canada) Tucker

Chris Tucker

James R. Canada

Helen Canada, Died as infant 

Albert G. Canada

Nelson Peter Canada

Sidney (Sid) T. Canada

Benjamin Harrison (Harry) Canada

Emma Stella Canada

Judy Golden

Janice Bales

Frederick (Fred) P. Canada

Jackson (Jack) I. Canada

John (Jack) Jackson Canada & Delilah Hunt, 1st Generation

John R. Canada & Kisirah Walker, 2nd Generation

Laura Ellen Canada & Oscar Melton, 3rd Generation

Neva Melton & Robert E. Bratton, 5th & 6th Generation

Thank you for visiting my page, if you find you are related and would like to contribute, or become a researcher, please drop me a line...Audie Canida, Great Grandnephew of John Jackson Canada

This page was created September 2, 2001

Page updated January 23, 2002

Copyright © 2001, 2002, Audie Canida & Denise Weatherman Canida, All rights Reserved